Friday, January 22, 2010

Week One: The Adventure Continues

So, I finished my first week of classes, and so far, I'm really excited about all of them. Also, I currently, don't have class on Fridays, which is fantastic. I'm hoping I'll be able to do a couple short weekend trips to some of the surrounding areas.

Also, I got my hair cut. I couldn't decide if I wanted just a trim or my hair short again, so I compromised and it's a little shorter than shoulder length now... No picture, sorry!

On Wednesday, my friend, Taylor, and I went to Marine Ices to try their pizza. It was very good. Crisp, thin crust but a -little- heavy on the cheese. Still, a very enjoyable meal.

Last night, I went to an 80's party at King's. It was fun but a big change from my quiet nights at home with a movie and a litre of fruit juice...

Today, I'm going to a Farmer's Market in the hopes of finding some fresh vegetables for a reasonable price as the nearby grocery store has a small selection of sad-looking veggies. Also, this market is supposed to be incredible, and I'm mostly just looking forward to being surrounded by fresh, delicious food.

Tomorrow, a few friends and I are going to see a play, The Woman in Black. I've been really excited to see this show since I heard it was playing here. I saw the 1989 movie about a year ago, but from what I've heard, the play is a lot different.

Anyways, I'll update soon with a bit more about the weekend. Now that I'm settling in, life's starting to calm down, and I have less to post...

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