The truly amazing thing was how the site was treated. In the past, huge chunks of rock were moved around for building projects elsewhere, and border reavers built houses into the forts. Now, children and sheep climb all over the ruins, and it's amazing they haven't done more damage. I saw a child do a flip off a wall.
The "lockers" in the fort's changing room.
Even so, the site was INCREDIBLE and there were so many Roman artifacts! The whole day was raining on and off, and by the end of the day, I was completely soaked through. Just absolutely drenched.
We arrived next in Edinburgh for a lovely pub dinner. As we've gotten further north, the days are getting longer and longer. In Edinburgh, we have a little more than 17 hours between sunrise and sunset. It's a bit disconcerting.
This morning, we went up to Edinburgh Castle. When we first got there, the sky was sort of blue, but after we'd queued for tickets, the sky was already cloudy. Within about an hour, it was raining.
The view from Edinburgh Castle... PRE-rain.
We walked around the Royal Mile and wandered around to try to find the church from the Da Vinci Code movie; however, it is actually six miles outside the city, so we didn't find it and wasted quite some time. Instead, we decided to hike up to Arthur's seat. Mom and I are both terrified of heights, and Mom was unable to climb it. I made it to the top, but I had left my camera with Mom and didn't really get any pictures.
Other than that, we really haven't done too much...
I've taken a bunch of videos during the trip that I hope to post soon!
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