Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Small Apology

I'm writing this post to apologize for the lack of posts. I haven't really been doing much blog-worthy stuff since I got back from Europe.

I got settled back in, did laundry and the like. I had a programming assignment due (it was assigned a couple days before I left for Europe, and at the time, I was also working on a paper), so I needed to get that done.

Cate, Abbey, and I have been hanging out quite a bit. Holly was around to see Clash of the Titans with us. Clash of the Titans was fun but pretty disappointing. The movie builds up to this fight with the Kraken, which lasts all of 5 seconds. In fact, more than half the scene is just the Kraken rising up out of the water. Yes, I just spoiled the movie for you. Wait for the DVD or watch it online (

Holly left to travel around Spain and Portugal, and Cate, Abbey, and I were left to our own devices. We had a small May Day celebration. I served strawberries and cream for breakfast and made cucumber sandwiches for lunch (plus, tomato/mozzarella salad, some cheeses, and chocolate covered blueberries and strawberries). It rained, so we spent most of May Day inside. Midway through, we all went home anyways. I got some more programming done, and we reconvened to watch the Philadelphia Story. We also saw Iron Man 2, which came out in the UK before the US. This was much, much, much better than Clash of the Titans, and a good time was had by all.

My first exam is on May 14th, so I hopefully I have a bit of time to relax and get some studying done. I probably won't be traveling much, but I would like to see some of the London sights that I've missed thus far (Tower of London, for one). If anything interesting happens, I will write about it ASAP!


  1. Wait, I'm confused. Did you expect anything else from *Clash of the Titans?!* C'mon now, it's a remake of the great cult classic, famed for how very terrible it is. They couldn't remake it without trying to recapture that same sense of awful...

  2. To be honest, I didn't know much about it going in... Really, we went in to see some good, old-fashioned ass kicking and Ralph Fiennes. The ass kicking was relatively lame, and Ralph Fiennes's screen time was disappointingly short.

    Now I have to watch the original, I suppose.
